Application number: |
P201600030 |
Patent number: |
05817 |
Filing date of the application: |
29.12.2016 |
Publication date: |
15.08.2018 |
Date of the grant of the patent: |
15.04.2019 |
Priority date: |
Estonian title : |
Mugul- ja juurviljade edastamise ning sõelumise meetod ja seade |
English title : |
A method and device for conveying and separating tubers and root crops |
Status: |
Invalid patent |
Fees paid for the years of validity : |
3 |
IPC class: |
A01D33/00 A01D33/08
CPC class: |
A01D 33/08
Estonian abstract: |
Mugul- ja juurviljade edastamise ning sõelumise meetod, mille kohaselt mullast välja kaevatud mugula- ja juurikasegu juhitakse sõelumisalale, kus seda mõjutatakse sõelumisseadiste poolt aktiivselt ja passiivselt, mugula- ja juurikasegu raputatakse, mille tulemusena peenestatakse selles sisalduv muld ja eraldatakse mugula- ja juurikasegust erinevate komponentidena ning suunatakse mugulad ja juurikad, muld ning taimejäänused sõelumisalalt välja. Mugul- ja juurviljade edastamise ning sõelumise seade sisaldab etteandekonveierit, põrkeharja, põrkepõlle, vibroraputit, mille kaarjasse külgmisse ja alumisse ossa on paigutatud sundajamiga varustatud harjapaarid, kahte jaotuskonveierit ja väljalaadimiskonveierit. Vibroraputi kaarjas külgmine ja alumine osa on koostatud kombinatsioonina järjestikustest ülemistest haaravatest ja alumistest puhastavatest vastassuunas pöörlevatest harjapaaridest, millel on erineva pikkusega varvad, nii et igal ülemisel ja alumisel harjapaaril on pikivertikaalsel tasapinnal kooniline eralduspilu, aga vibroraputi külgmises osas on kahe vastupidises suunas pöörleva püüdeharja vahel ristkülikukujuline läbiulatuv ava.
English abstract: |
A method for conveying and separating tubers or root crops according to which the mixture of tubers or root crops and soil and plant residues that is dug up from soil is forwarded to the screening area where the screening devices process the mixture both actively and passively; the mixture of tubers or root crops is shaken, which breaks up the soil content and tubers or root crops are separated from the mixture as different components, and the tubers or root crops and soil and plant residues are removed from the screening area. The device for conveying and separating of tubers or root crops contains a feeding conveyor, a baffle brush, a baffle apron, a vibrating shaker which contains forced-driven pairs of brushes in its curved side and lower part, two distributor conveyors and unloading conveyor. The curved side and lower part of the vibrating shaker contains a combination of successive pairs of brushes, which feature upper gripping brushes and lower cleaning brushes rotating in opposite directions and which are characterised by bristles of various lengths in a way that each of the upper and lower pair of brushes forms a conical separating opening on longitudinal vertical plane; however, there is a rectangle-shaped penetrating opening between the two collector brushes rotating in the opposite directions in the side part of the vibrating shaker.
Applicant/holder: |
Eesti Maaülikool
Inventor name: |
Jüri Olt (EE) Margus Arak (EE) Volodymyr Bulgakov (UA) Valerii Adamchuk (UA)
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