Application number: |
P201700037 |
Patent number: |
05820 |
Filing date of the application: |
25.10.2017 |
Publication date: |
17.06.2019 |
Date of the grant of the patent: |
16.03.2020 |
Priority date: |
Estonian title : |
Mugul- ja juurviljade sõelumise ning edastamise seade |
English title : |
Device for conveying and separating tubers and root crops |
Status: |
Invalid patent |
Fees paid for the years of validity : |
3 |
IPC class: |
CPC class: |
A01D 33/08
Estonian abstract: |
Leiutis kuulub põllumajandusliku masinaehituse valdkonda, täpsemalt mugul- ja juurviljade sõelumise ning edastamise seadmete hulka, ning on kasutatav kartuli ja juurvilja koristamise masinates mulla ja taimejäänuste eraldamiseks. Mugul- ja juurviljade sõelumise ning edastamise seade sisaldab raami, etteandekonveierit, sundajamiga varustatud kaldu paiknevat seest tühja tüvikoonuse-kujulist sõelärastit, mis on moodustatud üksteisest ettenähtud pilu kaugusel olevatest kontsentriliselt paigutatud ümarvarvastest rõngastest sõelpinnana, mille sisse on paigutatud aktivaator, samuti kaldset sõrmkonveierärastit ning väljalaadimiskonveierit. Aktivaatoriks on tiguärasti. mis on paigutatud ringpiluga tüvikoonusekujulise sõelärasti sisse ning mis sisaldab sundajamiga varustatud tigukonveiereid, millega on kaetud tüvikoonusekujulise sõelärasti sisepind, kusjuures tigukonveierid sisaldavad varbasid, mis on kinnitatud konsoolselt veovõlli külge, moodustades spiraalse keerme suunaga alla. Seadme koostisosadeks on veel ülemine rumm, mille küljes on toed tigukonveierite veovõllide toetamiseks ja mis on kinemaatiliselt seotud võnkmehhanismiga seadme võnkuma panemiseks pikisuunas ning alumine rumm, mis on toetatud survevedrudele.
English abstract: |
The invention falls within the field of agricultural engineering, more specifically within the field of devices for conveying and separating tubers and root crops, and it can be used in potato and root crop harvesters for separating crops from soil and plant residues. The device for conveying and separating tubers and root crops includes a frame, indeed conveyor, forced drive type tilted and hollow truncated cone shaped sieve separator, the structure of which is formed of concentrically arranged round bar O-rings that are separated by a specific gap and form a sieve surface, where the activator is placed, as well as a tilted finger separating conveyor and an outfeed conveyor. The activator is a screw separator that is placed inside a truncated cone shaped sieve separator with a circular slot and includes, forced drive type screw conveyors that cover the internal surface of the truncated cone shaped sieve separator. The screw conveyors include bars that are fixed as consoles to the drive shaft creating a spiral screw with operating direction downward. The device also includes an upper wheel hub with supports for the drive shafts of the screw conveyors and which is kinematically connected to the oscillating mechanism for making the device oscillate longitudinally, and a lower wheel hub that is supported by compression springs on the frame.
Applicant/holder: |
Eesti Maaülikool
Inventor name: |
Jüri Olt (EE) Margus Arak (EE) Volodymyr Bulgakov (UA) Valerii Adamchuk (UA)
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