Application number: |
P201600029 |
Patent number: |
05815 |
Filing date of the application: |
29.12.2016 |
Publication date: |
15.08.2018 |
Date of the grant of the patent: |
15.01.2019 |
Priority date: |
Estonian title : |
Juurviljapeade puhasti |
English title : |
Device for topping unlifted root crops |
Status: |
Invalid patent |
Fees paid for the years of validity : |
3 |
IPC class: |
A01D23/02 A01D27/04 A01D33/02
CPC class: |
A01D 23/02 A01D 27/04 A01D 33/02
Estonian abstract: |
Leiutis on kasutatav juurviljakombainide või juurviljapealsekoristite koostisosana. Juurviljapeade puhasti, mis sisaldab sundajamiga varustatud rõhtsal võllil kahte tangentsiaalselt ühest otsast jäigalt kinnitatud peamist puhastuselementi, mille sundajamiga varustatud rõhtsa võlli külge kinnitamata välimised otsad on ühendatud sundajamiga varustatud rõhtsa võlliga elastse sidemete abi, ning radiaalselt vastassuundades paiknevaid täiendavaid puhastuselemente. Täiendavad puhastuselemendid on ?-kujulise ristlõikega, nende alus on kinnitatud sundajamiga varustatud rõhtsa võlli külge, aga kaks haru on paigutatud radiaalselt võlli telje sihis, nende sisemistele pindadele sirgjuhikutele on paigutatud kahe külgtoendi külge liikuv ja massiivne pinguti, mille välimine pind on tilgakujuline, mille venitatud ots on sundajamiga varustatud rõhtsa võlli pöörlemise suunas, aga sisemine pind on seotud sundajamiga varustatud rõhtsa võlliga survevedru kaudu. Täiendavate puhastuselementide otste vahele on paigutatud elastne lint, mis hõlmab pinguti välispinna, mille otsad on kinnitatud sundajamiga varustatud rõhtsa võlli külge täiendavate puhastuselementide mõlema külje poolt, aga elastse lindi tööpind on varustatud lühikeste sõrmedega.
English abstract: |
This invention can be used as a component of root crop harvesters or root crop top harvesters. The device for topping unlifted root crops contains a forced-driven horizontal shaft with two main cleaning elements joined tangentially and rigidly from one end, and whose outer sides that are not connected to the forced-driven horizontal shaft are joined flexibly to the shaft, and additional cleaning elements, which are located in radially opposite directions. The additional cleaning elements have a ?-shaped cross-section, the base of which is attached to forced-driven horizontal shaft and two branches are located radially in the direction of the shaft and its inner surfaces or straight guides feature a massive moving tensioner attached to the two side supports and the outer surface of which is drop-shaped and its extended part is in the rotational direction of the forced-driven shaft and its inner surface is attached to the forced-driven horizontal shaft using compression spring. Between the ends of additional cleaning elements there is an elastic band which covers the outer surface of the tensioner and its- ends have been attached to the forced-driven horizontal shaft from the both sides of additional cleaning elements and the working surface of the elastic band is equipped with short fingers.
Applicant/holder: |
Eesti Maaülikool
Inventor name: |
Jüri Olt (EE) Margus Arak (EE) Volodymyr Bulgakov (UA) Valerii Adamchuk (UA)
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